Vertigo is the illusion of one’s environment moving or feeling oneself moving. It is common and can include a myriad of symptoms. Vertigo can occur suddenly lasting only seconds or be prolonged-lasting weeks to months. The following symptoms are frequently associated with vertigo and can have debilitating consequences.

Symptoms of Vertigo

  • Spinning sensation

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Feeling flush or hot

  • Ringing in the ears

  • Difficulty with balance

  • Falls

  • Abnormal eye motions

  • Motion sickness

How to Cope with Vertigo Symptoms

Treatment options depend on the cause of vertigo or dizziness. We must start with a trained vestibular therapy evaluation to identify the root. Options could include

  • Canalith Repositioning for BPPV or “ear crystals”

  • Adaptation exercises are for vestibular nerve imbalances and are the foundation of vestibular rehabilitation; commonly used in vestibular neuronitis

  • Click HERE for tips on controlling your nausea

  • Habituation is useful in motion sickness and desensitizing motions that make a person dizzy, this is a commonly used tactic in patients suffering from migraine

  • Balance training to improve grounding techniques, core activation, and reaction responses in fall reduction

  • See Custom Care Rehab Specialties page for more information on treatment options: Treating your dizziness

So is Vestibular Therapy Effective?

The short answer is likely, “yes”. You will never know if you do not try, however, it’s more effective than waiting for the symptoms to vanish on their own. Most people are given a pill and a timeline to “wait and see”. Can you imagine having a big dent in your car door and the body shop says, “hmmm, let’s just see if that will fix itself.” That dent won’t fix itself but you will probably get used to seeing it so the dent will not bother you as much. I see that happening with dizziness disorders.  People “get used” to something being wrong and just figure there is nothing that can be done.

Vestibular Therapy combines a variety of approaches to identify where the problem lies. In one to two visits you will know if vestibular therapy is right for you! Let Custom Care Rehab coach you through your recovery because you should not have to figure it out on your own. Contact us HERE to request a phone consultation to see if vestibular therapy can be a good fit for you!


