Sleep plays an extremely important role in managing dizziness. Whether the dizziness is from head trauma, like a concussion, inner ear disorder, or migraine; the lack of sleep commonly produces a day with more dizziness. 

Why is that you may ask? Our brain is responsible for making our body function with pristine accuracy. The brain is akin to a cell phone battery, it must be charged in order to run all day. So, just as we charge our cell phones at night to allow for full function throughout the day, we must “charge” our brain with a night’s rest. 

If a person has not had enough rest, the brain cannot interpret sensory input like vision, balance, or inner ear function correctly. This leads to symptoms like brain fog, trouble with memory, difficulty with word-finding, dizziness, or imbalance. 

What is Sleep Hygiene? 

Sleep hygiene is the term to describe good sleep habits. Considerable research has gone into developing a set of guidelines and tips which are designed to enhance good sleeping. There is much evidence to suggest that these strategies can provide long-term solutions to sleep difficulties. 

Sleep Hygiene Tips

  1. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Place a star on your calendar for every night you have achieved this goal.

  2. Get regular. One of the best ways to train your body to sleep well is to go to bed and get up at more or less the same time every day; including weekends and days off.

  3. Dont stay in bed longer than 15-20 minutes. If you cannot fall asleep by then get up and do something calming or boring until you feel sleepy. Then return to bed and try again. Sit quietly on the couch with the lights off (bright light will tell your brain that it is time to wake up), or read something boring like the phone book.

  4. Avoid caffeine and nicotine. It is best to avoid consuming any caffeine (coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, and some medicines) or nicotine for at least 4-6 hours before going to bed. These substances act as stimulants and interfere with the ability to fall asleep.

  5. Bed is only for sleeping. No electronics, books, TV, conversation, especially an hour before bed.

  6. No Naps. If absolutely necessary take a 15-20 minute power nap to rest the eyes and brain.

  7. Bathtime . Having a hot bath 1-2 hours before bedtime can be useful, as it will raise your body temperature, causing you to feel sleepy as your body temperature drops again. Research shows that sleepiness is associated with a drop in body temperature.

  8. Exercise. Regular exercise is a good idea to help with good sleep, but try not to do strenuous exercise in the 4 hours before bedtime. Morning walks are a great way to start the day feeling refreshed.

  9. The right space. It is very important that your bed and bedroom are quiet and comfortable for sleeping. A cooler room with enough blankets to stay warm is best, and make sure you have curtains or an eyemask to block out early morning light and earplugs if there is noise outside your room.

  10. If dizzy when in bed, try a weighted blanket to help increase your ability to ground and increase stillness at rest.


