Monthly Maintenance Program

To keep you performing your best, we know that injury prevention is just as important as injury recovery.

That’s why we created our monthly maintenance programs. These monthly stretching sessions help you be proactive to prevent injuries, thus avoiding timely and costly clinic visits or doctor appointments in the future. Consider it an investment in your long-term well-being.

Through our concierge physical therapy services, our team can visit you at your office or home, saving you precious time that would otherwise be spent commuting to a clinic. This level of personalized care ensures that you receive the attention and treatment you need without disrupting your busy schedule.

Sessions include:

  • Sessions start with a full body assessment of aches, pains, and any range of motion restrictions

  • Analysis of work postures and repetitive stresses on the body

  • Identification of strength deficiencies

  • Treatment of muscle tightness through assisted stretching and manual therapy techniques

  • Monthly check-ins to keep muscle tensions and pain at bay

Packages can be customized to your specific needs. Contact us to learn more about pricing.

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