
Feeling dizzy? Like everything is spinning while you’re standing still? Dizziness and vertigo can be caused by a variety of issues, including inner ear issues and neurological disorders. The most common cause of vertigo is BPPV (ear crystals out of place ear crystals), otherwise known as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Secondarily, another common cause of spontaneous vertigo is vestibular neuronitis or labyrinthitis, also referred to as an inner ear virus.

Other commonly treated conditions

  • Vestibular migraine

  • Motion sickness

  • Meniere’s Disease

  • Acoustic or vestibular schwannoma

  • Superior canal dehiscence

  • Cervicogenic dizziness (from the neck)

  • Central causes of dizziness like stroke

  • 3 PD: Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness

Aside from feeling unsteady, dizziness can cause nausea, space and motion discomfort ( think of that feeling you get walking around a big spacious store), a “floaty” sensation inside the head, and result in a loss of function in your daily activities.  Whether the symptoms seem minor or are severe, it’s important to address the issues you are having. Mobile vestibular Physical Therapy is a great solution when you are experiencing vertigo and dizziness, as it is not recommended you get behind the wheel. 

Custom Care Rehab specializes in treatments like Canalith Repositioning and Vestibular Adaptation to eliminate dizziness and get you back to feeling like yourself quickly. 

When is it time to schedule a consultation?

  • Dizziness that is not resolved in a few days

  • Dizziness gets steadily worse

  • If you are having multiple “spells” of vertigo month to month

  • Unsteadiness prevents you from normal daily activities

  • You have suffered a fall or near fall

Custom Care Rehab will work closely with your primary doctor, ear nose, and throat doctor, or provider of your choice to allow for a collaborative continuum of care. 

Vestibular First : home of the first FDA-cleared infrared video goggles. 


Educational Resources 


  2. VEDA Vestibular Migraine

  3. VEDA Meniere’s Disease

  4. VEDA Vestibular Neuritis

  5. VEDA Acoustic Neuroma

Headache & Migraine

Head pain encompasses the whole head – including under the eyes, jaw, and even the base of the neck. Whether it lasts for hours or persists for days, we are all too busy to have to deal with the discomfort. 

Headaches, under-eye pressure, and even concussions can impact your functionality and make it hard to even get out of bed. With Custom Care Rehab, you can stay in the comfort of your own home and we will come to you with a treatment plan to alleviate short-term and long-term pain.

Common Causes of Head Pain:

  • Head or neck trauma

  • Joint pain/inflammation

  • Poor posture

  • Sleep deprivation

  • Stress

  • Concussion

 When is it time to schedule a consultation?

  • Pain that gets steadily worse

  • Pain that prevents you from normal daily activities

  • Pain that increases with movement

  • Head pain from an injury that has affected your balance, coordination, or movement

  • Unusually severe headaches


Concussions or post concussion syndrome can be crippling. It can cause symptoms like dizziness and headaches that make it hard to go to work, use a computer, or sideline you from sport. Most adults with concussions heal within 10-14 days and children within 4 weeks. If symptoms persist longer than this, a person should be referred to a trained health care professional for concussion rehabilitation. However, starting rehab earlier can be beneficial and would depend on evaluation.

Custom Care Rehab’s approach includes individualized treatment plans based on the ImPact ITPT concussion rehab model. The Impact Trained Physical Therapist has advanced training in concussion education in using a trajectory model of evaluation to tease out the cause of lingering symptoms in concussion and this formulates the treatment plan. Using this evidence based model results in getting you back to you work, school, and sport without symptoms. 

 Common Symptoms of Concussion:

  • Headache or migraine

  • Positional or visually induced dizziness

  • Trouble falling or staying asleep

  • Emotional irritability, sadness, or nervousness

  • Blurred or double vision

  • Memory impairment

 When is it time to schedule a consultation?

  • Symptoms listed above after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head

  • Need of second opinion

  • Muscle spasms or neck pain

  • Persistent dizziness/disorientation

  • Post-concussive vertigo


Because of the different causes of symptoms in concussion, not all symptoms can be treated by physical therapy alone. Custom Care Rehab uses a collaborative approach by assisting patients to find the best medical professional to help treat any lingering symptoms that are beyond the scope of PT. You can expect collaboration and communication with all healthcare providers involved in your care, to get you back to yourself in full! 


Musculoskeletal injuries are the most common reason for seeking physical therapy. There are a wide variety of orthopedic problems that may be keeping you from working or doing the activities you enjoy. We use a combination of procedures for treatment including manual release technique, kinesiotape, cupping, stretches, and strengthening; prescribed as appropriate. 

With concierge in-home physical therapy, you don’t have to stress about making it to an office appointment. Custom Care Rehab will come to you and create a comprehensive care plan that will get you back to your routine in a timely and convenient manner!

 Commonly treated musculoskeletal conditions

  • Neck strain

  • Rotator cuff strain or surgical repair

  • Shoulder and knee pain

  • Low back pain: muscle strain, disc herniation, or stenosis

  • Total joint replacement: shoulder, knee, or hip

 When is it time to schedule a consultation?

  • Inability to participate in sport

  • Increasing levels of pain

  • Decreased quality of life

  • Inability to work


Orthopedic Information

Imbalance & Gait Disorders

Imbalance and trouble walking can lead to increased fall risk, but fortunately can be treated by Physical Therapy. An examination of all three sensory inputs in the balance system: eye, ear, and touch, will provide for a proper exercise program that can help improve your balance. Better balance allows you to increase participation in hobbies, and gives you more confidence to move about your home and outdoors. 

Common Causes of Imbalance 

  • Neuropathy or numbness of the feet

  • Dizziness

  • Stroke or brain tumor

  • Neurologic disorders

  • Lower extremity weakness

  • Disuse disequilibrium- basically “if you don’t use it, you lose it:

When is it time to schedule a consultation?

  • Increased difficulty with movement

  • A recent fall or near falls

  • Decreased independence in your daily activities

  • Lack of confidence in walking

  • Becoming withdrawn from social hobbies

Find more detailed information on the human balance interactions here: Balance Systems

Post Surgical Inner Ear Rehab

Inner ear or vestibular-related surgeries require a specialist surgeon to perform them and a specialty therapist to rehabilitate the post-surgical symptoms. You’ve had surgery and it’s time to get you back to your normal routine. But first, you’ll need to reduce your dizziness and regain your balance. Driving after an inner ear procedure is often difficult and near impossible at times. Custom Care Rehab will drive to you and complete your rehab in the comfort of your own home. This will increase compliance, make therapy more tolerable, and allow for better outcomes in your rehabilitation process. 

At Custom Care Rehab, we’ll create a specialized treatment plan, especially for you and the surgery you had. With vestibular-based exercises, balance training, and strengthening,  we’ll help you regain mobility to ensure you can quickly get back to feeling like yourself dizzy-free. 

Post-surgical rehab program is ideal for: