Treating Dizziness at Home: Tips from a Vestibular Physical Therapist

Hey there, readers! Have you ever felt like the world around you is spinning, even when you're standing still? That sensation is called dizziness, and it's more common than you might think. Whether it's caused by an inner ear issue, a quick head movement, or just feeling off-balance, dizziness can be quite unsettling. The good news is, there are ways to treat dizziness right from the comfort of your home. And who better to guide us through it than a vestibular physical therapist?

Meet Our Expert: Your Virtual Vestibular Coach

Imagine having access to a friendly guide who can help you manage dizziness without leaving your house. That's exactly what I offer as a vestibular physical therapist! Based in Northeast Ohio, Custom Care Rehab offers in home vestibular therapy. However, because people need individualized help globally I can now offer Virtual Vestibular Coaching, thanks to the magic of the internet. So, if you've been feeling dizzy and unsure of where to turn, this blog is your one-stop shop for expert advice.

This Virtual Vestibular Coaching Program is great for people who:

  • Have been discharged from vestibular therapy but still have symptoms

  • Have plateaued and want to take VRT to the next level

  • Need to know they are on the right track

  • Want to have a plan to cope and manage chronic symptoms

Understanding Dizziness

Before we dive into the solutions, let's understand what causes dizziness. Sometimes, it's like a miscommunication between your eyes, inner ears, and brain. Your inner ear helps you keep your balance, and when it doesn't work perfectly, you might feel dizzy or off-balance. Quick movements, like spinning around or tilting your head, can also trigger dizziness.

Home Remedies to Tackle Dizziness

Our vestibular physical therapist has some fantastic tips to help you manage dizziness at home:

  1. Start Vestibular Therapy Exercises. Visit my Youtube Page Treat Dizziness at Home to get you started on treating your dizziness symptoms.

  2. Focus on Your Breathing: When you're feeling dizzy, take slow, deep breaths. It might sound simple, but proper breathing can actually help calm your nervous system and reduce that spinning feeling.

  3. Try the Epley Maneuver: If your dizziness is caused by a certain type of inner ear problem, the Epley Maneuver might come to your rescue. It's a specific set of head movements that can help reposition those tricky inner ear crystals causing the problem.

  4. Get Moving (Gently): Slow and steady wins the race. Gentle exercises that focus on your balance can be really helpful. For example, try standing on one leg while holding onto a chair for support, and then switch to the other leg. Just remember, safety first!

  5. Avoid Salt and Caffeine Overload: Too much salt and caffeine can mess with your body's balance. So, while that bag of chips and third cup of coffee might be tempting, it's better to go easy on them.

  6. Rest and Sleep Well: Your body does a lot of behind-the-scenes work while you sleep, including restoring balance. Make sure you're getting those Zzz's!

Virtual Vestibular Coaching: Bringing Help to You

If you're in Northeast Ohio, you're lucky to have access to in-person treatment from our expert. But guess what? Even if you're halfway across the globe, you can still benefit from their knowledge! Through virtual vestibular coaching, you can connect with them online, learn exercises, get personalized advice, and work towards improving your balance and reducing dizziness.

Get you first Vestibular exercise: Level 1 Gaze Stability Exercises Below

When to Seek Professional Help

While these home remedies can be incredibly helpful, it's important to know when it's time to reach out to a professional. If your dizziness is severe, frequent, accompanied by other worrisome symptoms like slurred speech or numbness, it's a sign to see a doctor. Remember, your health and well-being are the top priority!

In a Nutshell

Dizziness might try to throw you off balance, but armed with these tips, you're ready to fight back. From sipping water to trying balance exercises, there's a lot you can do from the comfort of your home. And if you need extra guidance, whether you're just a few miles away or miles and miles apart, your virtual vestibular coach is here to help. So, stand tall (or wobble a little, that's okay too!) and take charge of your dizziness.

Remember, you're not alone on this dizzy journey, and with a little knowledge and effort, you can get back to feeling steady and strong.


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