Concierge Physical Therapy for New Mothers: The Top Tips for Self-Care to Feel Your Best

Becoming a new mother is an exciting and life-changing experience, but it can also be exhausting and overwhelming. Between caring for a newborn, recovering from childbirth, and adjusting to a new routine, it's easy for new moms to neglect their own self-care. However, taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your baby. Let’s discuss some changes postpartum and tips for new moms to practice self-care and feel better and more energized after having an infant.

Hormonal Changes After Pregnancy

Hormones can have a significant impact on the female body after pregnancy, affecting everything from mood to energy levels to physical health. Here are some ways hormones can affect the body post-pregnancy:

  1. Body Pain: Hormonal changes during and after pregnancy can cause muscle and joint pain. For example, the hormone relaxin, which helps to loosen the ligaments in the pelvis during pregnancy, can also cause pain and stiffness in the hips and lower back. Additionally, the physical demands of caring for a newborn, such as lifting and carrying, can lead to muscle strain and pain.

  2. Fatigue: The hormonal changes that occur during and after pregnancy can also cause fatigue. The hormone progesterone, which is high during pregnancy, can make you feel sleepy and lethargic. After birth, the sudden drop in hormone levels can also cause fatigue and exhaustion. Additionally, the demands of caring for a newborn, such as interrupted sleep and frequent feedings, can contribute to fatigue.

  3. Memory Issues: Hormonal changes can also affect cognitive function, including memory and concentration. The hormone estrogen, which fluctuates during pregnancy and after birth, is known to have an impact on cognitive function. Additionally, sleep deprivation and stress can also contribute to memory issues.

  4. Mood Changes: Hormonal changes can also affect mood, leading to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and irritability. The sudden drop in hormone levels after birth, known as the "baby blues," is a common experience for many new mothers. For some women, this can develop into postpartum depression, a more serious condition that requires medical attention.

  5. Breast Changes: Hormonal changes during and after pregnancy can also cause changes in the breasts. The hormone prolactin, which stimulates milk production, can cause breast engorgement and soreness. Additionally, the rapid changes in hormone levels can cause breast tenderness and pain.

It's important to note that these changes are normal and common experiences for many new mothers. However, if you are experiencing severe or persistent pain, fatigue, memory issues, or mood changes, it's important to speak with your healthcare provider. They can help you determine if there are any underlying medical issues that need to be addressed.

Physical and Emotional Challenges Post-Partum

mom with kids on couch

Pregnancy and childbirth can cause a lot of physical changes and discomforts, from morning sickness to back pain to postpartum bleeding. Additionally, new mothers may experience emotional challenges such as mood swings, anxiety, and postpartum depression. All of these factors can contribute to exhaustion and pain, making it difficult to prioritize self-care.

Common Physical Issues After Giving Birth that Physical Therapy Can Help With

1) Neck pain and Headaches: neck pain is very common with new moms because of holding the baby and breastfeeding. All of this new weight lifting from carrying an infant can be very stressful on the upper body. Muscle spasms and neck tightness can lead to headaches and stiffness. Luckily with the manual-based therapy approach through Custom Care Rehab, we can bring therapy directly to new mothers and relieve tension headaches and neck pain. Learn more about our manual therapy techniques Here.

2) Low back pain: Low back pain is a common issue for new mothers who spend long periods of time caring for their infants, including lifting and carrying them throughout the day. One physical therapy approach is to focus on exercises that strengthen the muscles in the back, abdomen, and pelvic floor. These exercises can improve stability and support for the spine, which can reduce pain and discomfort. Other physical therapy treatments at Custom Care Rehab include manual therapy techniques, such as massage and joint mobilization, which can help to reduce tension and improve range of motion in the affected areas.

In addition to these interventions, you may also be provided guidance on proper posture and body mechanics for new mothers. This can include tips on how to lift and carry the baby in a way that puts less strain on the back, as well as advice on ergonomic positioning during activities like feeding and changing. By working with our concierge physical therapists, new moms can develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals, helping you manage your low back pain and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle while caring for your baby.

3) Sacroiliac joint dysfunction: Because of the aforementioned hormone changes in your body, even through breastfeeding, your ligaments are very loose and stretched. These loose ligaments can cause your hip bones to become imbalanced and out of place. Pain in those dimples in your back could be SI joint pain from your hip bones being out of place.

A specific core program and manual physical therapy can fix SI joint pain and get you back to feeling yourself!

4) Pelvic pain or Incontinence Dysfunction: Your body has just experienced a significant change and your pelvic floor has been stretched to its maximum. Pain and dysfunction are quite common, fortunately, there are soooo many wonderful pelvic floor therapists who are highly trained and specialized in dealing with the delicate topic of women’s health. Click here to learn more about the possibilities from my friend, Rachel, at Rooted Pelvic Wellness

Self-Care Tips for New Moms

  1. Rest and Sleep: As much as possible, prioritize rest and sleep. Nap when your baby naps, and try to go to bed early or take turns with your partner to get up with the baby.

  2. Healthy Eating: Eating nutritious meals and snacks can help fuel your body and provide the energy you need to care for your baby. Make sure to drink plenty of water as well.

  3. Gentle Exercise: Walking or doing gentle stretches or yoga poses can help relieve tension and promote relaxation.

  4. Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist for support when you need it. It's important to have someone to talk to and to help you navigate the challenges of new motherhood.

Self-Care Resources & Products for Moms

Here are some products that can help new moms with self-care:

  1. Postpartum Recovery Kit: A postpartum recovery kit can help with postpartum healing and provide relief for physical discomforts.

  2. Nursing Pillow or Breastfeeding Supplies: This is a must to help reduce neck pain. If you're breastfeeding, a nursing pillow or other breastfeeding supplies can make feeding more comfortable and convenient.

  3. Postpartum doulas: consider a local postpartum doula service like the Nurtured Foundation. This service can be an investment in your mental and physical health; allowing you to get the rest you need as a new mom by employing the services of a night doula or just an extra set of hands while you're adjusting to your new role.

  4. Local MedSpa can offer products like IV infusions or B12 shots to help with vitamin deficiencies. This can help with mental clarity, fatigue levels, and body aches. In Akron, Ohio my favorite Medspa is Modern Vitality, which is owned by 2 busy mothers who can relate to what you are experiencing.

  5. Meal Delivery Service: A subscription to a meal delivery service can help take the pressure off meal planning and preparation.

  6. Meditation or Mindfulness App: A meditation or mindfulness app can provide guided relaxation and stress relief.

  7. Postpartum Support Group: Joining a postpartum support group can provide emotional support and help you connect with other new mothers who are going through similar experiences.

  8. Pediatrician- a great doctor for your newborn will be crucial to your health. Zest pediatrics in Ohio offers convenience, attentiveness, and best of all-mobile visits if needed! You can get rest knowing you have a great doctor for your new baby.

  9. Self-Care Book: A self-care book for new moms can provide tips and advice on how to prioritize your own needs and well-being. These books can help you prioritize your own well-being and navigate the challenges of new motherhood.


Self-care is essential for new mothers, and it's important to prioritize your own well-being in addition to caring for your baby. By taking small steps to care for yourself, you can feel more energized and better equipped to handle the demands of new motherhood. Remember to seek support when you need it and be gentle with yourself as you navigate this new chapter in your life. Contact Custom Care Rehab for an appointment today to start your self-care journey.


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