Five Easy at Home Exercises for Low Back Pain

If you suffer from low back pain, in addition to utilizing Physical Therapy to help alleviate the pain for the longer term, there are some exercises you can utilize to help stabilize the core and alleviate low back pain.

Back pain is a common cause of missed work and a leading disability cause. For most, home treatment or physical therapy can help heal the back pain in a short period of time. Others may seek additional medical attention if the back pain does not go away.

Most back pain happens without cause that is likely to show up in any sort of imaging or tests. The most common causes are strains from repeated heavy lifting, or a sudden awkward movement; herniated, bulging or ruptured disks, these can press on a nerve that can be very painful; Osteoarthritis or osteoporosis also can cause back pain especially in elderly populations when bones lose strength and become brittle.

We’re sharing five exercises that are easy to do at home and can help strengthen the core and glute muscles and stabilize the lower back muscles.

The exercises are simple to do with a loop band. You can find our favorite loop bands at our favorite products page.

  • Clamshells

  • Reverse Clamshells

  • Leg Extensions

  • Hip Bridges

  • Leg Lifts

If you suffer from low back pain that won’t let up, and would like to learn how at-home physical therapy can help you find relief, fast, get in touch. We treat patients around the greater Akron, Ohio area with back pain, joint pain, dizziness, vertigo, among many other conditions!


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